Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Edited Version - How to make money and have fun doing it in the philippines when you are living in a village.

This is how I did it. My grandfather has a fishing pond. When a person order fish, say 2 or 3 Kg, I go and fish.
Then I start charging 3 dollars per kilo of fish on that day.

It was even better when another person ordered 5kg of fish. When I am done, I earned $87 dollars altogether.
I just can't believe!!! 

I earned money and had fun.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

how to make money and have fun doing it in the philippines when you are living a house like village

How to make money and have fun doing it in philippines when you are living a house like village
This is how I do it my grandfather have a fishing pond when the a person charge me to get 2 or 3 Kg that when I start earning while I was just 10 on that day.
It was also fun though then another person charge me to get him 5kg of fishes. When I done that I got $87 in sing dollar I just can't believe it I earn money
and have fun.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Using words in a sentence

I taught Pocholo word usage today. To show him how words are used, I am going to use them myself. Im going to create a story about Halo 3.

This is Master chief.

Today, one of my men PRACTICED shooting. He is EAGER to show me his new skill. I told him, "the CULMINATION of your career is when you reached the rank of master chief like me".  He had plenty of ANXIETY as I talk to him.

But I'm glad he does not need ENCOURAGEMENT, for he can motivate himself. But I GRADUALLY backed off knowing he might not like what I say next. Soon I taught him VARIOUS techniques of shooting at aliens. He bought a NUMERICAL calculator to count how many aliens he shot. I told him too to EXECUTE the routines well.  

Now, he said some trees are already SPROUTING with leaves.  He MOOTED that it is a sign of spring. It was OBVIOUSLY vacation time! But he is SENSITIVE about the change of weather because he misses his family during this time. 

So, the GIST of this story is about Master chief and one of his trainee soldier. The trainee is in SOLITARY mode now and he misses his family.  Despite that, he still has plenty of AUDIENCE to observe his newfound skill. Military DIGNITARIES went to his skill demonstration. They SURROUND the stage with plenty of food. After this HURDLE, the new trainee would be signed up to be master chief assistant!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man strong, healthy and wise.

3 Ideas on making money

1. Buy a products and sell at a profit
2. Make a useful product.
3. Use money as a product and sell at a profit.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Learning to make money

This is a blog to collect ideas on making money.